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Want to get a Kitten?

I have been asked frequently how to go about adopting a kitten or cat. It seems that for some it can be a daunting task, or you just don’t know where to begin, so I have put together a few tips and a couple of sites for you to visit on your quest for the purrrfect cat.

For those looking to buy a Pure Bred kitten, go to www.sabcci.com which has a list of breeders of some very exotic cats on its site! Along with information on showing cat's in Ireland.

There are thousands of kittens out there looking for good home's so a great place to start (if pure breeds are not your cup of tea!) is www.ispca.ie


KSPCA, Kildare 087-2517381

Irish Blue Cross, Dublin 01 6683529


When it comes to choosing your new cat or kitten, what breed is best for You? You must consider your lifestyle when purchasing/acquiring a cat. There is such an array of cats from which to choose. Each cat breed has a unique look and temperament and you must also factor in their varying needs.

What to look for when choosing a kitten.

Health - any signs of illness, sticky eyes, stuffy noses or even diarrhoea!

Age - No kitten should be taken from their mother before 13 weeks

Vaccinations - All kittens and cats should have received their vaccinations for Cat Flu and Enteritis before you bring them home.

If possible make sure they get vaccinated for Leukemia and Chlyamydia. Leave at least 7 days after vaccination before collection of kittens food and litter. Check what food and litter the kitten is used too before bringing them home so that your new pet does not get an upset tummy and knows where to go if it does!

Mother - Ask to see the queen-mother. Visit the breeder in his/her home. Do not meet up somewhere convenient like a pub car park, you may not know the people and not everyone may be honest.

Bengal or Burmese need space and opportunities to expend energy and lots of entertainment to ensure they don’t get into mischief.

Persians will need grooming everyday or at least every other day to keep it’s coat in good condition and also it's eyes will have to be cleaned!

Minder - Also consider who will mind/board your cat and the extra expense when you take your holidays or have to go away unexpectedly.

You will have to take into account some breeds do not like to be left on their own for long periods and it will affect their health and behavior so be carefull if you have someone popping in to keep an eye on your cat that they are spending more than a few minutes with the cat.


I wish you well on your quest for your new friend


The Cat Club © 2007